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An intimate, less expensive alternative to hotels is without a doubt a 'bed and breakfast'
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Florence Accommodation

B&B accommodation in Florence?

Bed & Breakfasts are the best option for spending your holiday in Florence and Tuscany. All of the B&Bs on this site will give you the opportunity to have an inside glimpse of Italian culture and share in the typical Tuscan lifestyle. Experience the legendary beauty of the region while staying in rented private homes and palazzi of Italian hosts.

B&B Residenza CasaNuova Firenze :: Charming B&B in Florence city centerRESIDENZA CASANUOVA B&B
A quiet and relaxing place in the heart of Florence, Residenza Casanuova is an exclusive residence that will suit the needs of the most sophisticated traveller.
This B&B is recommended by the Bedandbreakfastflorence.com staff!Price from 67€ to 169€
B&B Residenza Vespucci TownHouse FlorenceRESIDENZA VESPUCCI
This townhouse has a rare view on the Arno River and Borgo Ognissanti , the worldwide known road of the antiques shops. Price from 80€ to 150€
The very charming N4U Guesthouse was created in a 14th century palazzo located in the heart of Florence. The interiors were decorated by the creative flair of Interior Designers...Price from 65€ to 129€
Santa Croce Bed Suites in Florence :: Luxury Apartments in Florence, TuscanySANTA CROCE BED SUITES

The Santacrocebedflorence "Torre degli Alberti" is located in the heart of Florence's historical centre, more precisely in Benci Street, few meters from S. Croce Square...

Price from 70€ to 150€
Bed and Breakfast Sandra Florence, ItalySANDRA B&B FLORENCE
Bed and Breakfast Sandra is a two storey house with a garden and a private garage situated about 10 minutes walk from the centre of Florence and the city's main train stationPrice from 35-50€ to 95-150€
On the hills of Tuscany, near Florence, in a position that dominates the surrounding landscape, is the Agritourism/Bed and Breakfast Savernano. The farmhouse is surrounded by wide vineyards, spaced out by woods of oaks, pines, cypresses...Price from 75€ to 120€
B&B Giardino di Leopolda is a lovely renovated building located neer the Theatre Comunale of Florence and the train station Santa Maria Novella.Price from 50€ to 120€
Martin Dago is located in a living pedestrian street of Sant'Ambrogio district, Martin Dago retains the typical, magical atmosphere of ancient Florentine houses.Price from 60€ to 90€

So What is This About?

BedandBreakfastflorence.com aims to help the traveller to find the best B&B for his/her taste, budget, location and desires...
Live 'Firenze' (Florence) like a Florentine, choose to stay in one of the B&Bs that we selected for you ...
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